Saturday, September 26, 2009

Date night

Erik's parents were sweet to offer to watch Kayleigh for the night so that Erik and I could have one last night to ourselves before we're parents of TWO! We decided to go to Outback for dinner, and definitely enjoyed the free Bloomin' Onion. (In case you've never heard, if you have a AAA card, you can get a free Bloomin' Onion when you show them your card.) We did a good job of talking about more than Kayleigh and the arrival of Brian. There was a little boy at the booth next to us who kept getting out of the booth and walking around. The one time he almost knocked over a waiter, I was glad to see that it was THEIR food that they almost lost, and not someone else's! They kept asking the boy if he wanted to sit in his seat. Ummm...did they really think he would say yes??? Oh well. Our food and service was good, so I can overlook the kid.
After dinner we went to the movies. I was impressed that after 2 1/2 cherry cokes, I was still able to sit through the whole thing without having to take a bathroom break! :) I did make a quick stop before the drive home. I would have been desperate!
Thanks again, Jim and Shirley, for letting us have one more night out on the town! We had so much fun!!!

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