Monday, November 28, 2011

Hanging of the Green

Every year our church has a service where we get into the Christmas spirit by singing carols and decorating the sanctuary. This is the first year that we participated because Kayleigh got to sing in the program. After the singing, they had all of the kids make a Nativity scene. I think Kayleigh didn't get the point of it, so she hung out in the background. It was really neat, and I'm glad we got to participate this year

 Singing her song

The angels at the Nativity scene

Final Nativity scene

Here is a link to Kayleigh singing.  I couldn't get the video on the blog.  Sorry!

And, on a totally random note, when we got home from dinner the other night, I saw a possum in our front yard.  Yuck!  Then, the possum ran up our tree!!  We couldn't believe it!  Of course, I had to run inside to get the camer and take pictures.  Thankfully the possum didn't want to get closer for better pictures!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute song. Looks like Kayleigh knew all the words. Did you wonder if she'd bow at the end and say "thank you"?
And double yuck to the possum.