Saturday, July 17, 2010

He did it!

Oh my gosh! Erik and I were sitting in the living room this morning with Brian on the floor in front of his new kitchen crawl through thing from Jenna's sister-in-law. Erik and I were talking, and all of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Brian rising to a standing position! By himself!!! I asked Erik how long he thought Brian would stay standing or how he would get himself down. He stood there long enough for me to make a couple of videos, and then tried to reach over to the other side of the kitchen. That's when the fall happened. He isn't long enough to make it to the other side, and did a big tumble. He's over it now and is back to playing.


Matthew and Valerie said...

I see Brian walking in your future! :)

Anonymous said...

In your NEAR future...

Loving Mommyhood said...

He was jealous of Kate yesterday. And, I love how Tracy is like, "seriously, that woman always has her camera out".