Brian had a good month this month. He is on the move, and has started pulling up every chance he gets. He also:
--Eats like a grown man. I can hardly keep up with him! He practically eats full meals with us, and then I can still nurse him.
--Got two more teeth this month, for a total of 8.
--Sleeps like a champ. He still wakes up during the night a lot of the time, but he takes amazing naps. I don't think he'll be ready to only take one nap a day next month.
--Is able to crawl over and up things. It's crazy how quickly he went from crawling just a little bit at the beginning of the month to being able to climb over our legs to get something, or get up on the bricks in front of the fireplace.
--Is unlike Kayleigh and likes to get into everything. We have to keep a constant eye on him to make sure he doesn't knock over one of the dog's water bowls. That's a favorite pasttime of his.
What a cutie pie. He looks tall even though he's sitting!
I agree, he does look so big! It's fun seeing how much he is growing each time we see him.
Crazy, crazy! He is growing up so fast! So cuuute.... Mia often remembers to pray for Bry-bry at night.
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