Kayleigh has been perfecting her forward roll. She loves doing it, and now Brian is starting to try. Neither kid wanted me to take their picture much last night, so I didn't get one of Brian. Kayleigh acts like some famous person not wanting the paparazzi taking her picture!
Kayleigh told Valerie this weekend that she wanted Valerie to get a picture of her with her new pink hat. She wanted Valerie to put it on her blog. Sorry, but I beat her to it! Kayleigh also has a bunch of new toys with her. She looked like a little bag lady.
A few nights ago the kids were in the bath when I realized that Brian was probably going to poop. I was excited that I was able to get him out of the tub and onto the toilet for him to do his business! Not so much last night...Last night he was standing up in the tub, and all of a sudden he had dropped a bomb. Of course, I started grabbing at Kayleigh to get her out of the tub. Then I got Brian and decided that Erik needed to finish their bath downstairs while I cleaned up the mess upstairs. After the bath, he looked so cute with his towel wrapped around him that I had to get a picture. Of course, he wouldn't stand still, so I think this is a little blurry. He kept running at the camera!
This morning, Brian was eating breakfast in our room. I had gone out to get another bowl of cereal for Kayleigh, and when I came back, Brian was climbing into our laundry basket. I gave him his food so he could eat in there. Brian is really working on his cheesy face. I basically have to take a picture of him, and then immediately snap another one. The first picture is always his cheesy face, and then the second picture is his smile because he's laughing about his first picture. Crazy kid!
Dad thinks the "bag lady" looks like Jill when she was little.
Kayleigh does look cute with all of her new stuff! Too bad Brian didn't stay still for his picture. It's cute even though it's blurry.
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