Monday, June 27, 2011


My poor Kayleigh, who most of you know is not always the most coordinated on her feet, was trying to climb on the bed the other day. She slipped and hit her eyebrow on the bed frame! I heard the crash and went running in. I called to Erik to bring some ice, because it was already bruised and swollen. I know it was a bad fall because it took her a LONG time to recover. We had some children's ibuprofin, so we gave some to her to help with the pain that I'm sure she felt.

"Where are we???"

"Here we are!"
On a lighter note, sometimes Brian likes to hide behind our curtains in our bedroom. I got some pictures of him hiding and coming out. Kayleigh saw the camera and her opportunity to have her picture taken, so she jumped in.


nick, robyn and taylor said...

Aw, poor little punkin! That's no fun at all!

Matthew and Valerie said...

OUCH! Poor Kayleigh. :(

Anonymous said...

It's nice they're old enuf to play together. Poor Kayleigh - that's such a tender place to hit on the bed frame!