Monday, September 12, 2011

Go Gators!

I did a lot of sewing in my first week, finishing with Kayleigh's new Gator dress.  I did the shorts for Brian a few days before.  There is one other dress that I made for Kayleigh, which I forgot to get a picture of her in.  I made her wait until Sunday to wear it because I was afraid she might stain it.  I'll get a picture of it the next time she's in it, maybe later this week.  I can't wait for Jenna's sewing Bible Study!  I'm going to put off any other projects until then.


Anonymous said...

Those outfits are very cute as long as you're sure they're safe up there in FSU country. You are becoming quite a seamstress!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I like the length of that dress.

Matthew and Valerie said...

LOVE them!!