Thursday, September 30, 2010

One year old!

It's it really possible that a whole year has gone by since I had my baby boy??? Time flies when you're having fun! Erik and I talked about leaving Brian rear facing until he's a little older, since doctors are recommending that nowadays, but his feet are already starting to touch the back of the seat, so we decided to turn his carseat around. I actually let him ride forward facing last night, because my car was in the shop, and we were trading carseats from one car to another, so I figured doing it a few hours early won't hurt...and it didn't hurt him at all! We took Kayleigh to her play date this morning, and I was telling her that the car ride was the same one she took when she first rode in the car looking forward rather than backward.
Here are some changes from last month to this month:
--Every time Brian is near something tall, he pulls himself up to a standing position. He still crawls everywhere, but he's working on strengthening his leg muscles so he can walk soon.
--Brian will take steps while you're holding his hands, or when he's standing behind a walker.
--He learned the sign for "more", and then a few days later conquered the sign for "drink". I think next week he'll be fluent in sign language! (I hope I can keep up!! :) )
--I nursed him for 364 days. Whew! I thought I would try yesterday to see how long I could go without nursing him. I thought one of us would break down and he would get some Mommy milk, but he did fine without it. The time that I worried about it the most was bedtime last night, because it's part of our routine. He did fine. I think he wanted to nurse, but I didn't let him and he went to sleep.
--I know he's trying to tell us things, as he's being more and more talkative. We're practicing "Uh oh", but so far he's only gotten "uh". :) One of his favorite words is "do" like the beginning of dog.
--After being in 12 month clothing for the last 6 months, he is finally needing to wear 18 month clothes. I'm glad because I'm getting tired of him wearing the same outfits all the time. I'm ready to get sick of some new outfits.

Here are Brian's months pictures from this last year:


Anonymous said...

Where has the year gone?? He already looked big at 4 months! He is SO CUTE!! That was fun to see 1 pic from each month. Good job.

Anonymous said...

I take that back. He looked big at 3 months. :)