Friday, November 12, 2010

Play time last night

Here are a couple of videos of the kids playing last night. The one game of hide and seek was rowdier before I got the camera out. I don't know why it got so much quieter once I came around!

The video of Brian walking is proof that he can do it, but won't do it on his own. Erik and I have been working with him this week, standing him up and then letting him go. Sometimes he'll stand for a couple of seconds before tipping over. When we were outside playing today, Brian was standing up for longer periods, and even took a drink while standing! Jenna was there as a witness!


Matthew and Valerie said...

We know Brian will be walking on his own one of these days! Cute game of hide and go seek. I didn't think Kayleigh would make it to the other side in time!

Anonymous said...

Does Brian like to be scared, too? Looks like they all had fun.