Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fire station

Jenna had an idea to take the kids to a local fire station to see the trucks and talk to some firefighters. Jack is into it, so Jenna asked if I thought Kayleigh would like it as well. Kayleigh likes anything Jack does, so we were definitely up for the outing. Jenna also wanted to make a cookie cake and have the kids decorate it for the firemen as a thank you for letting us come by and for all of their work.
When we got to the fire station, a lady firefighter pulled out a truck and showed the kids all of the different parts of the truck. I think most of it went right over their heads, but it was still interesting. She asked if Kayleigh and Jack wanted to climb up in the truck. Kayleigh said yes, and went running for the truck. Then she heard Jack say no, so she changed her mind. Later we were able to get Jack to get in the truck, but I think he didn't like how high it was, so didn't want to stay long. They did like getting into the volunteer fire truck. It was much smaller and less intimidating.
Jack wanted to go see the ambulance, so we were able to look inside of it and she told us about all of the tools they keep in it. Kayleigh asked Jack if he wanted to get in it and started marching up to climb in. Unfortunately, they weren't allowed to get in it because the EMTs weren't there to supervise and the lady didn't want to get in trouble.
At the end, the kids got Junior Firefighter stickers and coloring books. I know they had fun, and Kayleigh is already asking when we can go back.

1 comment:

Matthew and Valerie said...

Fun trip! I'm sure the firemen and women loved the cookie cake you brought them. The picture of Kayleigh and Brian is cute because Brian is looking up at his big sister.