Monday, December 21, 2009

More Eikeland Christmas

Yesterday afternoon, we went to Bristol to visit Erik's brother and his family. We gave gifts to the kids and had an ornament exchange with the adults. Kayleigh LOVED the gifts she got, and we had to open them and play with them while we were there. She was able to keep up with the boys, running all around John and Chaille's house. It's funny, because I forget about Kayleigh being the only girl on that side of the family. At least they aren't keeping her out of the fun!
It was fun to see Brian and Trig together again. Trig is 4 weeks older than Brian, but I think Brian is bigger. The two little guys got lots of adult love while the bigger kids played.
Kayleigh got a shopping cart from Curry and Amanda, and a bucket with NINETY pieces of food in it from Cayla and Zac. I only think that all of the food came home with us. I wanted to take Kayleigh to Target today to get her some shoes like her cousin Taylor. She wouldn't leave the house unless I said that she could take her new shopping cart. I said we would take it on a trial run, and I have to say, it worked like a charm. I think it's the most well behaved she's been in a store in a long time. After Target, we took it into Publix, and put some of our groceries in her cart. I think that might have to be a new shopping accessory!! Erik wonders about the looks that we get when we're out with stuff like that, but I don't care. I hear people saying things and see them pointing, but for the most part they think it's cute.


Chaille' said...

We had a great time visiting with everyone and watching the kids open their gifts and having so much fun playing. Zac loved his Nerf gun!! John and Curry both took turns being the "target" after y'all left last night! The kids are growing so fast! Brian and Trig will be up and toddling by next Christmas! Wow!! Our family is growing!!
Aunt Chaille'

Matthew and Valerie said...

Kayleigh looks so grown up in the picture in front of the tree! She and Brian are so lucky to have cousins so close in age. They'll have fun growing up together.