Friday, April 30, 2010

Brian's 7 month post

Yes, Brian is 7 months old today! Wow! This last month he got the hang of rolling over both from his back to his stomach and his stomach to his back. He also got his first tooth this month! I think the second one is still trying to work its way into his mouth. He's eating solid foods once a day. I haven't given him too many different things but this week he's been eating butternut squash. YUM! It's the real stuff, too, and I think it tastes way better than baby food from a jar.
Brian is sleeping better at night, usually only waking up once. For those of you who thinks that's still too much, he was waking up as many as 4 times a night not too long ago! I can handle once a night. I guess since he's sleeping so much at night, he's waking up earlier. This morning he slept until 6:45, but the last couple of mornings he's woken up at 6:00. YUCK!
Because Aunt Val asked, I am also posting a video of Brian rolling over. Kayleigh is telling Brian that he's cheating, but that is because earlier she had rolled him over and I told her she was cheating. She thought every time they rolled over they were cheating. I also like how it seems like Brian obeys my commands when I tell him to roll over.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Naked Chef

Okay, I have to tell you the background to this story. Before Kayleigh got a bath tonight, she went potty like she always does. So, let's just say she wasn't wearing anything from the waist down. Then, she came running out of our bedroom to the dining room showing me that she took her shirt off all by herself. You can imagine what she looks like at this point. Erik was finishing up some stuff before giving Kayleigh her bath, and I let her go and play while waiting for him. Erik came out to the living room and saw Kayleigh with her apron on, playing with her kitchen. This is the one picture I am able to put on the internet:

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Goodnight Gorilla" and "Pinkalicious"

Kayleigh has some books almost memorized, and it's fun to let her read to you. I decided at nap time to record her reading "Goodnight Gorilla". When I was putting her down for bedtime tonight, she wanted me to record her reading "Pinkalicious". I think it's funny at the end of that book, because you can see that she skips a couple of pages. I should probably say that "Pinkalicious" was a gift from Kayleigh's cousin, Cayla, and you can tell that the book has been loved (she talks about the tear in a page).
The videos are 2 and 3 minutes long, so make sure you have time to watch them!

Goodnight Gorilla


Finally, this morning, Kayleigh was cheering Brian on as he rolled over. It's funny because she cheers for him like it's the first time he's ever done it. She's very enthusiastic! Anyway, Kayleigh also wanted me to take pictures of she and Brian on the bed with Curious George, a monkey borrowed from Grammy (a family friend). You will see in the slide show that the focus quickly went from the three of them to just Kayleigh. She's a show stealer!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Party central!

Yawn. This weekend has been full of parties. Kayleigh was in our friends' wedding last night, so we had the rehearsal and bridesmaids' lunch on Friday, and then the wedding yesterday and today was the post-wedding brunch. We actually have a birthday party in about an hour, and I don't know how we're going to do it! It'll be fun, and we can always relax tomorrow.
Here are a few pictures from last night:

Monday, April 19, 2010

We got a new house!!!

Not really. Kayleigh did, sort of. We bought bedroom furniture for Brian finally, and put it in his room on Saturday. (A big THANK YOU to Erick for helping us out!!) Thankfully the furniture was all put together in their boxes, so we just had to get it out and put it in place. Unfortunately, one of the doors on the nightstand is crooked, so I had to call customer service today. They are going to send someone out on Wednesday to fix it. Once it's fixed, I'll get pictures and post them. I'm not sure I love the layout of the room right now. It's a little lopsided, so I might have to rearrange it later.
So, back to Kayleigh's house. Erik decided to cut out some windows in the box that the nightstand came in and use the top of the box as doors. Kayleigh thought this was too cool and loved playing in it yesterday. Erik pretended to be the Big Bad Wolf and blew her house down a few times. Kayleigh wanted me to do that this morning while she had Brian in the house with her, but I said no way. Then I said that only Daddy could be the Big Bad Wolf--otherwise I was afraid we wouldn't leave the room today!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

New pictures and video

Can you believe some people are getting tired of looking at Kayleigh and Brian in their jammies?? I guess we didn't do too much this week. Sure, we were outside playing every day, but those aren't usually the times when I take pictures. I did decide to get a couple of pictures of Kayleigh while she was out playing with her friend Jack the other day. I've heard that late afternoon gives fantastic light, and I wanted to see what my "good" camera could do. I think the pictures turned out great. Kayleigh and Jack were just running around, so these are random shots I got.

While Brian was in the exersaucer yesterday, I thought I would try to get a picture of him in it. That wasn't hard, but I thought about it because I have the CUTEST picture of Kayleigh in it when she was around Brian's age. I thought it would be fun to have pictures of both of them in the same toy. You tell me how I did.

This video of Brian is cute, mostly because you can hear one of his squeals. It's not very long, and I'll admit that after the squeal, it all goes down hill. Hope you like it!

Monday, April 5, 2010


I can't believe I didn't think to take a picture of Kayleigh and Brian in their Easter jammies last night! I actually did think of it, but not until after Brian fell asleep. So...can you guess what we did this morning?? Took pictures!!

We had an impromptu play date with our friend today. His mom called about 10 this morning and said that the day care was closing for the day because of a problem with the septic tank, and could I please watch their son for a couple of hours. We didn't have any plans today that couldn't be done later, so I said I would be happy to do it! Kayleigh wanted to hold him, so here is a picture of Kayleigh with her friend. Brian did get to play for a little while, but he was taking a nap for most of the time that our friend was at our house.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

We had a really nice Easter this year. Kayleigh and Brian got their Easter baskets this morning before we went to church. We had Kayleigh in our room and wanted her to stay there and wait for her basket. She was so excited and kept trying to sneak out to get it instead of wait! Tracy sat right next to her and wanted to see everything, too. After going through her basket, Kayleigh showed Brian what was in his. We decided not to give the kids candy because 1.) Brian can't eat it and 2.) Kayleigh doesn't need it. Of course, neither do Erik nor I, and we would be tempted to help ourselves to their candy! :) In the last 2 years I had put candy in Kayleigh's basket, but it was really just for show--I ate it all! She hadn't learned the joys of candy yet.
Kayleigh got new jammies, a book, new little bottles for her dolls, and some bathtub crayons. She got to play with bathtub crayons at Grandma and Abuelo's house and really liked them, so I thought that would be a good gift. Brian got a bunch of new bibs (exciting, I know), jammies and 3 books.
We went to church this morning and then over to Jim and Shirley's house for lunch. Shirley had a delicious ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, brussel sprouts, carrots and rolls. I brought over a cheesecake and a jello pie that hadn't set enough, so it was kind of a mess. It was still good, though, if I do say so myself!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter party

The church had a little Easter party today for the kids. It started in the gym where they had a bunch of different crafts for the kids to do. Unfortunately, most of the crafts are a little too advanced for our little Kayleigh and Brian. Fortunately, one of the crafts included food, so Erik and I were able to enjoy that! :) They had an Easter bunny there, but Kayleigh didn't want to get too close to him! She's so funny, because--like a lot of men in her life--Kayleigh wanted to see him from afar, and would even talk about him, but did NOT want to get too close!
After running around the gym and avoiding the Easter bunny, we heard an Easter message from our pastor, and then we went outside for the egg hunt. The church divides different areas up according to age. We followed the 2 and 3 year olds to the playground to collect eggs. I was holding Kayleigh's hand and had the great idea of going to the back of the playground while the other kids stayed up front. Kayleigh said something while we were collecting the eggs that made my heart swell with pride. While we were collecting eggs (and NOT taking pictures--sorry!) she said, "I'm going to leave some for the other kids." I PROMISE those words came out of our daughter's mouth! So, when the eggs were all collected and I knew that other kids had lots of more eggs than Kayleigh, I didn't mind. I knew that she got the ones that she wanted and could have collected more.