Saturday, June 26, 2010

Berry hunt

We had plans to go blueberry picking with our friends, but Jenna got sick, so Kayleigh Brian and I went by ourselves. I didn't know what to expect when we got out there, but where we went was someone's house. They had a few rows of blueberry bushes, but we only made it down two. It was HOT, and Kayleigh and I were both ready to be done. Brian may have been ready, too, but he doesn't voice his opinion very loudly. We only picked about a half pound of blueberries. I was a little afraid to pick too many because I didn't want to waste them. After picking blueberries, the couple who owned the farm had samples of blueberry lemonade/tea. It was delicious, and very refreshing!
When we left, I decided to take the kids to Chick-fil-A for lunch and play time. Once lunch was over, Kayleigh wanted to go in the play area. She played for a long time before I decided we needed to go. Kayleigh heard some other parents talking to their kids about eating ice cream, and we agreed. So, before we were able to leave, we got a cup of ice cream with strawberries. YUM!
I was so happy to be home and get the kids in bed for nap time. We all had good afternoon naps. It was a fun, tiring day.


Jenna said...

I am so disappointed we missed it, but I have been a hot mess all day and vomit and blueberries don't usually mix well together. I am glad y'all went anyway. Sounds like an all around good day. Jack asked about it and I felt really bad about not going.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Jenna has been so sick. Looks like you 3 had fun. I love Kayleigh's dress.

Matthew and Valerie said...

Kayleigh looks hot at the end! I wouldn't know what to do with all of those blueberries except to make muffins. Maybe you can take the kids to go strawberry picking next year!

Kelli said...

Oh, blueberry picking is so fun! Glad you were still able to go.