Friday, June 4, 2010

National Donut Day

For those of you who didn't know that it is National Donut Day, I'm sorry you missed out on the goodies. Krispy Kreme celebrated by giving out a free donut to every customer. I told Kayleigh we could go after nap time, and I'm glad she took a good nap, because I wanted to get a sprinkled donut! I will say that a hot one might have been a little sweeter, but I did get my favorite. Kayleigh wanted the one with the yellow icing, which ended up being lemon flavored, but she still enjoyed it. Brian didn't get a donut, but you can tell that he too pleasure in watching us eat. (Yeah, right!)
After Krispy Kreme, I wanted to run over to Michael's to check out their scrapbooking stuff. Kayleigh got tired of being there, whipped out her cell phone and pretended to call Jenna. I had to get her to reenact her dialing because I couldn't get the camera out in time, but that is a picture of her pretending

to talk. She said that Jenna told her that we could play with Jack when we got home. Unfortunately, it was dinner time when we got home, and now we are watching a movie.


Loving Mommyhood said...

We had a great conversation last night! She cracks me up.

And, we shoulda gone and got donuts - now I want one!

Matthew and Valerie said...

Yeah, I'm sure Brian was thinking "boy it's fun watching my mom and sister eat delicious Krispy Kreme donuts!"

I'm glad Kayleigh can call Jenna whenever she gets bored!