Saturday, October 3, 2009


We're still home and still doing well. Brian was up a lot last night, but I'm pretty sure that's how it was the first night home with Kayleigh. Erik helped get Brian out of the pack & play and into the bed. Around 4:15 AM, Erik told Brian that he needed to sleep for at least 3 hours. I think poor Brian was afraid to cry this morning. I heard him around 7:30 moving around, and eventually he found a finger or two to suck on so that he didn't get up too early.
Valerie and Matt got here around 11 this morning. I don't think either of them have had much Brian time. Kayleigh is taking up most of their attention. I do think they snagged him while Kayleigh was upstairs taking a nap. The two of them, plus Erik, Dad and Kayleigh all went to a local place for some smoked sausage that Dad likes. There are some cows out there, so they made sure Kayleigh got to see them. She loves to see them.
One of our neighbors brought over some delicious quiche for dinner tonight. Of course, Brian was hungry as soon as dinner was ready, so I ate during the second shift. The boys are watching some football now. Valerie and Matt have Kayleigh outside, and Mom and I are looking at pictures and playing on the internet.
Valerie, Matt and Dad all have to leave tomorrow so they can go to work on Monday. Erik has off on Monday, but will work the rest of the week. Mom is here for the week, and is working on getting meals ready for us. Yum! Gotta love Mom's cooking!

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